Oktava MC012 Condenser Microphone Reviews 5

I got a pair of these microphones on ebay for around 95 dollars US. I wanted a versitile microphone that I could record piano, acoustic guitar, and drum overheads with.

I love it's compact size and versitility in anykind of recording one wants to do. The microphone gives acoustic guitar and vocals a very warm tone.

Recording vocals without wind noise is difficult, even with a pop filter.

Comes with a cardiod capsule that is screwed in...Convenient, but worrysome...If taken car of I suspect that the microphone will give many years of use.

For the money, you can't beat this microphone. It needs little EQing and is great in an array of applications...Invaluable for use in any home recording setup.

Austin rated this unit 5 on 2002-08-23.

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